Is the ANWB charge card good value?

ANWB is one of the most popular charge cards for EV drivers in the Netherlands, but how does it compare to the cheaper option from Tap Electric?
In this guide:

Best charge card for frequent charging 

Tap Roamer. If you’re charging more than a few times per month in the Netherlands, Tap Roamer has the best value. With Tap Roamer, you only pay the prices set by the charger operator and a lower monthly fee than the comparable ANWB subscription.

Charge card comparison: ANWB charge card vs Tap charge card

Our experts have compared ANWB laadpas and Tap charge cards side by side, so you can easily see the differences and find out which one is right for you.

The best charge card for you will depend on how often you charge, where you charge and how much energy you use.

Charge card without subscription

To get the discounted prices on Tap, you’ll need to sign up for Tap Light subscription. It’s completely free and works just like charge card without a subscription. That’s why we’ve compared these options in the same category.

ANWB charge card without subscription

Tap Light

Monthly cost



Price structure per session

Charger price set by operator
+ €0,69 start cost*

Charger price set by operator
+ 5% transaction cost

Charge card shipping cost



*From 1 March 2025 the prices for ANWB charge card without subscription have changed. The start cost has increased from €0,34 to €0,69.

Charge card with subscription

ANWB charge card with subscription

Tap Roamer

Monthly cost



Price structure per session

Charger price set by operator only

Charger price set by operator only

Charge card shipping cost



Other important details

In which countries can I use each charge card?

  • ANWB charge cards can be used in Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and United Kingdom.
  • Tap charge cards can be used in Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Ireland.

Do I need a charge card to start a session?

  • With ANWB you need to order a physical charge card and register it on the app to start a session. It can take up to 24 hours for their charge card to activate.
  • You can start charging right away with the Tap app. You don’t need to sign up or use a charge card to start a session.

Can I request another charge card?

  • You can request an additional charge card for the same account in the ANWB app.
  • With Tap Electric, you can have two charge cards (Tapkeys) on a family subscription. Tap ships your charge cards at no cost.

Want to compare more charge cards? See how Shell Recharge, E-Flux, Eneco and Vattenfall charge cards compares to Tap or check out our full charge card comparison.

Charging app comparison: ANWB laadpas app vs Tap Electric app

Your choice of charge card isn’t just about the card itself. The accompanying app can significantly improve (or worsen) the convenience and ease of charging.

Our experts evaluated the ANWB app and the Tap app on 4 criteria.

  • User experience
  • Functionality and features
  • Customer support and resources
  • User reviews and ratings

Location is a must

Both apps work best with location services turned on so that you see nearby chargers on the map and relevant charger recommendations.

Best app overall: Tap Electric

Both apps get the job done, however the Tap app offers more for drivers. You can see the difference in the level of detail on charging information, payment options and easy access to support.

Tap ElectricBetter EV charging
Tap overall: 4.4
ANWB overall: 3.5

User experience

User-friendliness, navigation and updates

ANWB app experience: 3/5

Pros and Cons



Tap ElectricBetter EV charging
Tap app experience: 4/5

Pros and Cons



Functionality and features

Charger map, search and map filters

ANWB charger map: 3/5

Pros and Cons



Tap ElectricBetter EV charging
Tap charger map: 4/5

Pros and Cons



Charger information

ANWB charger information: 3/5

Pros and Cons



Tap ElectricBetter EV charging
Tap charger information: 4/5

Pros and Cons



Payment methods

ANWB payment methods: 3/5

Pros and Cons



Tap ElectricBetter EV charging
Tap payment methods: 5/5

Pros and Cons




ANWB charge session: 3/5

Pros and Cons



Tap ElectricBetter EV charging
Tap charge session: 4/5

Pros and Cons



Connected cars

ANWB connected cars: 4/5

Pros and Cons



Tap ElectricBetter EV charging
Tap connected cars: 3/5

Pros and Cons



Customer support and resources


ANWB self-service and support: 3/5

Pros and Cons



Tap ElectricBetter EV charging
Tap self-service and support: 5/5

Pros and Cons



Unique features


  • Get charging recommendations based on your calendar
  • Option to use the driver web portal to see your sessions, invoices and find chargers on the map.


  • Easily compare charger availability and prices from the Tap map
  • Price Intel feature includes a charge session calculator with a full breakdown of operator cost, transaction cost and VAT and often shows a charge card price comparison.
  • Tap will show you if there are cheaper chargers near you from the charger location page.
  • Leave community feedback for other drivers about a charger location or charger.
  • Home page is useful for one-tap charging when standing in front of the charger, navigate to your favourite chargers and easily access your charging history.

User reviews and ratings

Both the ANWB laadpas app and Tap Electric app are rated more than 4+ stars in the App and Play stores.

Recent reviews about the ANWB laadpas app from the Play and App stores.
ANWB Play Store: 4.4
ANWB App Store: 4.6

Top app

Top app

Frans Juan - 23 june 2024

Niet beter

Niet beter dan snelle opladen van tesla

Seref Kozan - 9 june 2024

I no longer receive notifications

Since last update i no longer receive notifications for charge start, end etc and can no longer see current charge session

Andy Wignall - 13 april 2024

Helaas niet routeplanner

Ik zou mijn route willen plannen met mijn EV. Dan hoef ik niet alle beschikbare laadpalen te zien maar alleen die als ik de 30% restcapaciteit heb. Dan weet ik welke oplaadpunten in die buurt nodig heb. Maak een variant van ABRP met de ANWB laadpas. De ANW onderweg app kan het ook niet

Oerlemans - 21 july 2024

Mooie app maar onduidelijke tarieven

Over de app is goed nagedacht, zoals een simpel filter voor s. el gewoon laden. Maar de informatie over de tarieven is erg onduidelijk, zo staan er some 2 tarieven voor de sessie, en op locaties met veel laders staan meerdere kWh tarieven zonder dat je weet wat je nu gaat betalen. Voor mij tochvaak maar een reden een andere pas te pakken, want dan weet je in ieder geval wat je gaat betalen.

Tb1975 - 15 july 2024

Slechte kwaliteit laaddruppel

Nog geen half jaar geleden een druppel aangeschaft voor 3,50 en deze is nu al kapot. Op geen enekele mogelijke manier contact te krijgen met de ANWB behalve dan een half uur in de wacht te staan. Waardeloze kwaliteit dus.

FlorisGTE - 21 june 2024

Recent reviews about the Tap Electric app from the Play and App stores.
Tap Electric Play Store: 4.7
Tap Electric App Store: 4.6


Convenient and easy to use

Tony Strachan - 9 july 2024

Super gemakkelijk

super gemakkelijk, geen gedoe met kaarten

Robert Zwetsloot - 3 july 2024

Developer fixed it quickly

Add my EV to “My connected car” but it doesn’t show up after multiple retires and resintalls. Edit: developer fixed it quickly

Deepak George - 15 june 2024


Tap electric werkt prima en factureert zoals je mag verwachten en daarbij goede concurrerende prijzen hateert.

Welzinger - 6 july 2024


Deze App werkt nooit

JWJ van Dijk - 15 july 2024

Prima app, één van de betere zelfs

Fijne app om onderweg mee te laden, maar ook om je eigen laadpaal beschikbaar te stellen aan anderen.

FlorisGTE - 21 june 2024

ANWB laadpas charge session cost calculator

Use this calculator to see how much you would pay for a session using the ANWB laadpas and Tap laadpas. Where are you saving more?

To provide a realistic estimate, our calculator uses live pricing data incl. VAT from a single charger on the Tap app. This charger was randomly selected by our experts on February 28, 2025.

Charger information

  • Location: Singel 377, Amsterdam
  • Operator: Equans
  • Charger: EVB-P1520079-1 AMS-4347-1
  • Power: 11kW
  • Charger Price: €0,376 / kWh
Your estimated session costs on:

ANWB charge card without subscription:

ANWB charge card with subscription:

Tap Light:

Tap Roamer:

We’ve done our best to make this calculator accurate, but remember, it’s just a tool to help you estimate your charge session costs. Your actual costs might be a bit different depending on your car, your energy consumption and individual charger prices.


  • With ANWB, you need to have a registered charge card on your account start a charge session. With Tap, you can charge right away by starting and stopping your charge session from the Tap app.
  • Both providers offer flexible subscriptions – charge card without subscription and charge card with subscription with good public network coverage in the Netherlands.
  • If you’re looking to charge abroad, ANWB laadpas offers more supported countries than the Tap laadpas. However both providers recommend getting local charging cards for the time you’re abroad to ensure you have the most coverage.
  • Drivers should also take into account the value they get from the app. While both the ANWB and Tap Electric app have ratings over 4+ on both App and Play stores, the Tap app has many more features to help drivers make informed decisions about their charging.

Resources, expertise, methodology

Our experts fact checked and last updated this research on 28 February.


  • ANWB website
  • ANWB laadpas app
  • Tap electric app
  • Data was taken from live tariff data of public chargers was taken on 28 February 2025 incl. VAT for the calculator.


  • ANWB laadpas details were checked on the ANWB website on 23 July 2024.
  • ANWB app was reviewed based on the live features on v.1.41.1 on a Samsung Galaxy M12 on 23 July 2024 using this methodology.
  • Tap Electric app was reviewed based on the live features on v.1.115.1 on a Samsung Galaxy M12 on 28 February 2025 using this metholodgy.

Charge now

Charging with clear, upfront pricing everytime

Only pay the charger price set by operators when you charge on Tap Roamer for only €2,50/month.