Start earning revenue from your home charger for free
Tap's free charger management platform gives you control on who can use your charger, how much they pay to use it and more.
Tap helps you get the most out of your EV charging
Monitor your charging usage and history for insights on your consumption
Open your charger to your community and earn money
Get 24/7 expert support
Take Tap on the road for all of your public charging
Optimise your charging based on your dynamic energy tariff. Connect your vehicle for even better results!
Get reimbursed by your employer for your home charging if you drive a company vehicle
Tap helps you get the most out of your EV charging
Track your usage
Monitor your charging usage and history for insights on your consumption
Start earning
Open your charger to your community and earn money
Expert support anytime
Get 24/7 expert support - we're happy to help
Tap on the road for public charging
Use Tap for all of your public charging
Optimise charging with your tariff
Optimise your charging based on your dynamic energy tariff. Connect your vehicle for even better results!
Reimburse home charging costs
Get reimbursed by your employer for your home charging if you drive a company vehicle
Easily manage your home charger for free
Install your chargers
Get your chargers installed and onboarded with Tap Electric with your trusted installer.
Set your tariffs
Set your tariffs, and change it as often as you need.
Set your access
Set who can use your charger: family, neighbours or even the public.
Optimise your charging
Set a schedule to ensure you are charging at the cheapest and greenest times.
More ways to save on your home charging
Check out our guide on saving with a dynamic home energy contract:

Tap Electric launches Dynamic Tariffs to unlock savings for drivers
With the launch of the new Charge Control program, home owners can benefit from super cheap charging by linking their dynamic energy contract with their Tap charger.
Get the best app charging experience
Charge with Tap at home and on the road with our huge public network across the UK and Europe with real-time session updates on your cost and energy consumption.

Try the Tap app
Get the most out of your home charger
Onboard your chargers in minutes with Tap and unlock ways to optimise your EV charging for free.

Why should I get EV charger management software for my home charger?
EV software helps you get more out of your charger. With Tap, you can:
- Start earning revenue from your charger by opening it up to neighbours, friends or even the public
- Lower your energy costs with dynamic tariff optimisation and power scheduling
- Get reimbursed by your employer for charging your fleet vehicle at home with our fleet management software.
And Tap is free to use for home charger owners.
Which home charger brands and models can I manage with Tap Electric?
You can use Tap for any charging station that is OCPP 1.6J compatible – you can check this in the manufacturer’s documentation.
Ready to get started? Check out our charger onboarding guides in our Help Centre.
If you are having any problems onboarding a charger, reach out to – we are happy to help.
How can I set up my home charger for home reimbursement?
With “home reimbursement”, you can use software like Tap Electric to split a household electricity bill between company-sponsored EV charging, and personal charging. This is done by integrating with the EV charger’s internal meter, identifying who is using the charger at a given time, and billing that usage directly to the employer so that they can reimburse their employee. In some cases, the employer and driver are the same person, in the case of an entrepreneur or sole proprietor. Check out our home reimbursement guide.
I need someone to install my EV charger. Do you have any recommendations?
We certainly do. We can refer you to an installer from our network of trusted professionals. Just send an email to